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Laying the ground

of your Parenting Journey with this special first bath

Part 1.

I have this mum in mind. Just after her Thalasso Baby Bath she asked me and about baby sleep, what do we need to know?" Her baby was sleeping like a charm, but she wanted to be prepared.

She was kind of afraid of the sleep regressions, and how baby sleep can be hard on parents.

remember our 3 paires of eyes on their daughter coing. Dad on the sofa, mum with a warm tea in her hands, and me sitting on the floor witness the calm in this home.

Her Thalasso Bain Bébé

And after the wonderful Thalasso Bain Bébé her daughter offered us, I wanted to hug this mum, and tell her was set up she had already all she needed. All that was required for her baby to find sleep:


The calm, the slowing down, the understanding between each other, she could decode her daughter perfectly. And the bath gave us so much more sensory insights to continue on this peaceful road. And team-playing with her husband. The communication they've set up, her need healthly expressed and her husband on his way to fully himself with his daughter.

I think about this mum a lot.

What if she didn't asked?

What if she stayed wondering if she has to do all these non-sense things the recommend to do in the book about sleep.


What if we didn't catch her fears on time, and she spent her first month with her baby setting up a

routine baby can't learn instead of talking with her daughter.


What if she spent hours trying to self soothe her baby instead of spending time for herself?


Because, yeah that is not what I have in mind when I wish your baby and you, the best beginning in life.

This is what I mean, when I wish you and your baby The best start in life    →

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